‘Many Aspects of One’ and ‘Tenderly Held’

Oct 28, 2024Jaimie's Blog

‘Many Aspects of One’ and ‘Tenderly Held’

‘Many Aspects of One’ came into being many years ago). All my canvases then were rectangular. And, though contrary to convention, a non-square mandala began to form – composed of unconventionally moving spheres. Now, to explain: whenever I start painting… and imagery begins to appear, I’m immediately painter and viewer – proceeding with great curiosity! As viewer, then, I find ‘Many Aspects of One’ mesmerising. Immersed and held in its slow-moving dance, any thinky-thoughts dissolve. As if in meditation.

When images and intuitions surface from deep knowing into conscious awareness (taking form as paintings – or not), may our minds and hearts open ever wider… With love.

Alex Grey (transpersonal visual artist, author, teacher, and Vajrayana practitioner) writes: ‘When artists give form to revelation, their art can advance, deepen and potentially transform the consciousness of their community.’  This is a powerful statement– so relevant in this present time of fast-increasing planetary crisis and our global community.

In their Nov/Dec issue, Resurgence & Ecologist magazine has just published  an eloquently written piece by transpersonal psychotherapist Vikki Scott, in which she presents a transpersonal view of our planetary crisis – accompanied by my painting ‘Many Aspects of One’. (The printed version of Resurgence magazine, available in WHSmith, shows ‘Many Aspects of One’ and also ‘Yew Tree of Stars’.) 

In her article ‘From inner peace to planetary health, Vikki Scott provides a definition of the transpersonal – saying ‘…it encompasses everything yet at the same time it is deeply personal.’ I wholeheartedly agree. Through personal experience – beginning in early childhood and subsequently expressing in my art, in my work as psychotherapist, and in my ordinary daily way of being –  I’m aware of (what I call) the immense presence of oneness, which Vikki says, ‘encompasses everything’.  This is the context in which we, each one of us as one, are invisibly held – as in my painting,  ‘Tenderly Held‘.

Enquiries & Sales

To arrange a viewing or to commission a mandala, please contact Jaimie below:

Jaimie's Psychotherapy Practice

Cheltenham UK

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