Transpersonal Art

Art for your Soul

Walking a down-to-earth spiritual path, expressed through the work of transpersonal psychotherapy and transpersonal art, Jaimie Cahlil invites you to immerse yourself in the energetic presence of each picture here that draws you in.

You may notice a core theme: the presence of light, which originated in a powerful life-transforming experience he had while daydreaming in school at the age of five.

Always with the presence of light, Jaimie’s paintings and drawings contain reoccurring symbols and themes: the mandala (universal pattern of essence & expression), the heart of loving kindness, birds flying, wonder-filled babies, the listening ear, expressive hands, meditation and spiritual awakening, flowing energies, and the immense presence of oneness…

Echoing awareness our growing ecological crisis, are paintings ‘Wings of Change‘ and ‘Earth Guardian‘.

Wings of Change - Jaimie Cahlil

Wings of Change

Earth Guardian - Jaimie Cahlil

Earth Guardian

The genre of Transpersonal Art emerged in the 1960s with the paintings of Monika von Moltke. Coming across her book ‘Transpersonal Art: The Paintings of Monika von Moltke‘ many years ago, Jaimie – already working as a trained transpersonal psychotherapist – recognised his own paintings and drawings were transpersonal.

Prior to this realisation, Jaimie’s art had not fitted in in terms of the range of work displayed in the galleries he approached. His paintings and drawings therefore have only been seen by a few people, either on his therapy website or when working with him in the therapy room.

Jaimie Cahlil’s art has a presence which speaks beyond words, soul-to-soul.

Enquiries & Sales

To arrange a viewing or to commission a mandala, please contact Jaimie below:

Jaimie's Psychotherapy Practice

Cheltenham UK

Follow Jaimie