If you wish to experiment with intuitive visual creativity, I invite you to be curious… and PLAY! Providing yourself with any odd piece of paper or surface at hand, and materials with which to make marks and colours. Next, with the open-hearted wonder of a child, I suggest you PAUSE… as you change gear from your ordinary level of consciousness… moving into a more sensitive sensing state of being. And now, with your new level of awareness, notice any feelings or subtle sensations you may be experiencing. And notice any qualities… such as heavy, light, deep, scratchy, soft, hard, shaky, flowing, blocked, or singing and dancing…
If you ‘see’ or imagine colours, notice which colours truly sing out to you. Which colours resonate, awaken you, or take you deeper? Notice any shapes or patterns in the ‘sky’ of your mind… or imagination. As you continue in this day-dreaming space, make marks! Lines – short, compact, staccato… or long and flowing. Dots and textures. Curls and swirls. Smudges. Enclosed shapes, open shapes. Keep pausing. Keep gazing…into whatever is appearing. Give expression, in essence, to whatever you sense or ‘see’ with your sensing dreaming mind.
I work intuitively, with love. In the far corner of the room at a diagonal from my easel, I sit gazing into the canvas… until I ‘see’ the next mark or shape or colour. Then, I walk across to my easel and simply paint as intuitively prompted. My process creates the effect of layering – shapes and colours emerging, and part-merging, and emerging again with greater clarity… in continual process – until, like a piece of music… whispering, growing, and subsiding to a quiet pause, the painting finally comes ‘home’ and rests.